Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Boutiques and Birthdays

Kami, who is now heading up our sales efforts, has registered Beads Just for You in a lovely boutique this coming Saturday, December 12th in the Rural and Warner area of Tempe. If you missed our last party, this is a great opportunity to see some of our pieces. We have some spectacular holiday designs that make great gifts or will adorn any outfit for the holiday party scene. Check out the info at the link below. And do visit our website There are many pictures of our pieces now posted, so you can preview (or purchase!) what you might find on Saturday.

In other, sillier news...this past Monday, we celebrated three belated birthdays for three friends in our Beads Just For You group: Amy T., Kathleen, and Kami.

Lynn orchestrated the bulk of the celebration making sure that we had food, cake, birthday hats and Edward and Jacob party plates (Yes, Edward and Jacob from the Twilight series...We might be closet die-hard fans or lunatics...or neither. No one amongst us has really figured this out yet, but it has continued to be a running joke).

Lynn's daughter Sarah made a scrumptious lunch of homemade vegetable soup and grilled cheese and ham sandwiches on sourdough bread. It was perfect for the rainy and cold Monday afternoon. Ami made a delicious chocolate (of course!) cake that we served on said alternating Edward and Jacob plates with mint chocolate chip or Neapolitan ice cream. Todd* brought his unsuspecting wife and our good British friend Val who is visiting (he obligingly brought them late, because the party planners were running late). Jayne set the table, cut some flowers, and used her good dishes that rarely emerge from the cabinets. Amy and Kami, two of the birthday girls, brought their smiles and goodwill. Lynn and then Val did the dishes while we had our meeting.

*The usually very prompt Todd killed time by making phone calls in a parking lot near home, feigning needed visits to the restroom once he got home, and engaging in aimless and unimportant endeavors while Kathleen expressed a bit of exasperation: "Todd, if we're going to go out to lunch we need to leave. I have my Beads meeting in an hour." Sorry Todd!

Kathleen is a founding mother, so she got to wear a plastic tiara.

Todd took this picture of the lot of us.

We express our holiday wishes to you all. And we hope to hear from you!

The Beads Gals

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We are busy making final plans for the party this Saturday at Jayne's from 5-7 p.m. (not 4-6 as we originally planned). Kathleen, Lynn, Ami & Amy have been hard at work designing beautiful things that they hope you will love.

Kathleen has some very cool silver pieces she created from scratch using precious metal clay; Lynn designed some gorgeous new jewelry especially for little girls along with some other beautifully intricate pieces for grown up princesses; Ami threw lots of color in her magnificent beading arrangements--some complicated, some simple, all gorgeous; and Amy has designed some very hip hair accessories as well as some stylish bracelets amongst other things.

Come and see what they've been working on if for no other reason but that you love beauty and art!

Ami is steadily working on the website creation and reported that her son Caleb has been sleeping for the night for three weeks. "I actually have a pulse in the morning," she said.

Lynn replied, "When you can dance around to 'Proud Mary' in the morning, then you know you're really doing well."

So, Sleep and "Proud Mary" have helped the website's launch move steadily closer. Be is coming!

And Lynn had an odd but inspiring dream: She was working on 12 necklaces in her three-graces design made from black 4 mm crystals and silver seed beads (though she thought in her dream that gold would look better). Off to the side, sort of in the dark, was a Marlon Brando as Godfather look-alike pacing while he smoked a cigar. Lynn kept working.

Then Marlon Brando barked, "What are you charging for those things?"

Without looking up, Lynn said, "Seventy-six dollars."

Brando stopped pacing, "You're a fool!"

Now Lynn looked up. "Why?"

"You should be charging $760."

Awake, Lynn's reflection was the following:

"Well, yeah, they'd have to be mafia to pay that much."


More from Lynn in email:

"I want to try and make the child's three graces. I was also (not for now) thinking of making one with tiny pearls. I love pearls and DIAMONDS. See, the crystals are just holding me over until I get the real McCoys."

In other news...

Kathleen and Lynn drove out to east Mesa to find a REAL Chicago hot dog just because.

Ami visited family in Texas and was really enjoying herself until she couldn't get her husband to answer his phone because forgot to plug it into his phone charger and he was sick in bed. She called Kathleen to make sure hubby was still alive and kicking. After a visit from the other husbands it was determined that he was just fine, but suffering from not eating well and missing his wife and son.

Amy has worked herself into a cold. Though, in spite of her sniffles, she still looks the epitome of polished style.

And I (Jayne) am still abstaining mostly from making jewelry so that I can do the other stuff for BJFY.

I did make a few pairs of very very simple earrings.

And then I stopped.

So, come to the party Saturday! Eat chocolate, play with jewelry, tell us what you think of our stuff and get free earrings! What else could you possibly want? (Well...a lot probably, but this is what we can offer.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

A holiday jewlery party

So, we've had a bit of a hiatus from blogging. Sorry...September was a busy month.

Here's an update:

Lynnie is back from her three week tour to the UK and currently searching for her muse (Lynn suspects she might have gotten lost in Scotland or something); Amy is neck-deep in the demands of her university courses and she's bound and determined to pass math; Ami is desperately trying to carve out time to set up our new fabulous website, which requires incredible focus, while keeping her baby happy and herself sane at the same time; Kathleen is tripping the circuit in her house by using both her kiln and hair dryer simultaneously in between playing with precious metal clay; and Jayne is battling morning sickness and trying to prepare for a university education course she's supposed to teach in November and for which she has done absolutely nothing.

AND... we're hosting a holiday party!

Yep. We're nuts.

So come be crazy with us on November 7th from 4-6 at Jayne's house. If you somehow aren't on our email list but you want to come (and we want you to come), check out the link below or comment on our blog and we'll send you the details. We are doing a bit more market research at this gathering, so if nothing else, come and comment and get a free pair of earrings!

Yay for lost muses, math, unfinished websites, tripped circuits, and uh...morning sickness that lasts all day...wait...

OK. Let's try that again...Yay for sparkly objects and friends who love to make jewelry!

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mondays and timers

We have changed our meeting days to Mondays to accommodate commitments we have made to important institutions like universities, husbands, and children.

Yesterday was the first meeting on a Monday and we met at Kathleen's. She fed us all lunch. (I usually offer water and stale popcorn at my house. I may need to step it up a bit.) And Kathleen had even totally cleared and organized her dining room table (her current beading work space; her family members generally eat their meals anywhere but at the dining room table) to make room for the beading guests that would be arriving an hour or so after our meeting. It was impressive.

So, at our meeting, I distributed the data that I compiled from the market research party. It took me 13 hours to pour through the 21 surveys and cross reference and record. I learned after I'd gone to all this trouble that there are many computer programs available, some on-line and free, that would crunch the data for me. I suspected this as I was color coding and fighting with Excell sheets. Next time, I'm using a program or I'm making up the data.

We also discussed several beading t-shirt ideas the contents of which I will not divulge because

A: one of our readers might steal the idea (though I think the only readers we have are ourselves)


B: they aren't done yet.

We have some polishing to do to make them funnier and not so wordy. Our friend Amy B...(Yes. It is an extremely popular name in our circle. In fact, you have to be named Amy in some form to join our group. Kathleen, Lynn and I barely skated by with a grandfather clause.) Anyway, Amy B. is a very talented t-shirt designer and silk screener* and she came yesterday to the meeting the throw around some ideas. She'll be helping us immensely.

*"screener" is technically not a word, I realize, but what are you going to do about it? You're not reading this anyway.

Kathleen and Ami Jo hosted the aforementioned after-lunch gathering for a friend of ours and some of her coworkers to have a team-building beading extravaganza. It looked like fun, so we are anticipating a detailed account of the goings on at this event.

As we were concluding, we all heard the microwave timer go off in Kathleen's kitchen.

Amy said to her aunt, "Hey there's your timer!"

Kathleen replied, "Oh yeah, it's reminding me to pay attention. Wait. I need some chocolate."

And so ended our Monday shenanigans.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Market Research Party Post Script

Firstly, in behalf of the jewelry artisans who are my dear friends, may I say thank you to all of you who came and walked around our display table with blue pens and surveys struggling against the oscillating fans to scribble your ideas on pages without any hard backing. (I thought to get some clipboards on Friday morning....then the thought just slipped away).

Your feedback was honest (or at least seemed to be anyway) and thorough and a tremendous help.


Secondly, we hope that you enjoyed sampling the fruit and chocolate (Lynn called the raspberry ones "pure sin") as well as perusing the Mon Ami Sparkling Whimsical Beads that sat patiently awaiting your attention throughout the room. And we likewise anticipate that you are enjoying your new earrings, or at least the person you gave them to is.

(In case you are wondering, Amy T. took all of the photos, except of course the one in which she is pictured.)

And, lastly, as we plan to have another similar gathering and invite more jewelry savvy women, we hope you'll tell your friends about us.

xoxo, Ami, Amy, Kathleen, Lynn & Jayne

Friday, August 7, 2009

Market Research Party

We're in the midst of planning a gathering of a variety of our friends and family who like jewelry and wouldn't mind eating a little fruit and chocolate and telling us what they think of our stuff in the process. So, we're tweaking a survey, editing the $5 coupons, and gathering (or even making) the pairs of earrings that we've promised to give each participant.

Some of our most poignant queries include the following:

Do we use a Lichter scale for survey responses?

Do we include price range brackets or no price range brackets?

Do we need an expiration date on the coupon?

What else besides chocolate are we offering people to eat?

We also had other important exchanges and announcements during our weekly meeting.

Kathleen said, "I found this anti-tarnish cloth that I need surged and embroidered with the words 'Beads Just For You' on the bottom corner."

She paused for a blink, "It's really pretty. It's brown." She gestured forward with her right hand, her fingers flexed to punctuate the last word: "It's chocolate."

We laughed. Of course it is.

And as we were winding up, Ami asked how we thought she should cut her hair. (She has these amazing chestnut locks.) Amy T. said, "I don't know, but if you cut your hair, I'm taking it and making it a wig. My hair is taking forever to grow."

Ami replied, "Well, I was actually thinking about donating it for cancer patients..."

Amy T. : "Darn."

Amy T. again: "What about donating it to kids with protein deficiencies?" She pointed two index fingers in, "Kids like me?"

Kathleen said, "Amy, just because you're the youngest doesn't mean that you can call yourself a kid. You can't play that card anymore, Sister!" Kathleen is Amy's aunt. She can say that kind of stuff.

Amidst this discussion, Lynn noticed that I was wearing a deep purple top that was nearly the same color as a gorgeous amethyst necklace and earring set she had recently composed. It was sitting on the ottoman. So, while the others were cross-talking from the floor to the couch, she said to me, "I wonder how this will look, purple on purple."

She tiptoed around the conversing friends and said, "Don't say anything. Let's see if they notice," as she fastened the necklace for me.

Ami was multi-tasking, as all new mothers do, and immediately noticed the addition to my neck. Then a split second later, Kathleen turned and let out a "Hey, hey!"

My friends can decorate me with their jewelry any time. They have my total permission.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Friday afternoons, chocolate pearls, and too much Vitamin Water.

The ladies of our jewelry group are getting serious. We meet weekly, currently on Friday afternoons and email every other day, sharing new ideas, helpful links, and all sorts of important information. One such pivotal conversation occurred at our last meeting:

As she patted her little son asleep on her shoulder, Ami said, "I want to work with chocolate pearls."

Collective "Oooooo's" resounded.

She continued, "I saw them online and I'm going to get some."

Amy replied, "I want to find chocolate shaped like pearls."

Then she paused.

"No." Her eyes wide at the idea, "I want to find beads shaped like cheese. Or cheese shaped like beads. That would be cool."

Meanwhile, my daughter, who is six, announced to Kathleen and then the rest of us that she had finished her whole bottle of dragon fruit flavored Vitamin Water.

Kathleen said, "Oh boy. Are you sure you can handle that?"

I responded, "Hmmm. That's a lot of Vitamin Water." And sure enough, not two minutes later she was on hands and knees in the hallway near where we met saying her stomach was hurting. Then, she vomited. And she vomited again. All over the floor.

Lynn has reminded us that when we partner together, miracles happen. And they do. This we do not doubt.

But chocolate also happens, as does cheese... and vomit.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Venice, Italy

We will be inVenice the first week of June for La Biennale di Venezia

Launching a New Business

Beads Just For you is a business by women for women. Our purpose is to help women turn their creative talents into money making opportunities.