Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Compromise anyone?

We are feeling the full force of our varied tastes and opinions as we try to reach consensus about things like background colors, fonts, patterns, etc. Ami has been on the fast track gaining abundant amounts of knowledge about web design and polling us regularly about those very important topics of color and text. Poor thing! She asks five different people for an opinion and gets five different answers.

I'm designing a little two-page brochure (nothing compared to Ami's mammoth assignment) to send to our good friend Val in Cornwall, England, so that she can have something to provide potential customers with information about us in our absence.

(But don't we all wish we could actually be there across the pond peddling our own stuff?..............oh yeah..............)


Huh? Where was I?

Anyway, everyone keeps apologizing for giving me feedback on the brochure, which is so like my very polite and thoughtful friends. I do appreciate their comments as this is to represent them more than me...that's kind of the point really. But I also empathize with Ami as she regularly receives five very different answers to each question she poses.

It is not easy to keep everyone happy, but we all know this and are ready and willing to compromise on many things. Except the quality of our materials and handiwork. On this we will never bend.

So here's to color, text, feedback and compromise. We can feel the launch of the website approaching....GO AMI!!!!

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